my art

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Cubbies are making me sad.

O.K., I know it's only May, BUT... what is the deal with the CUBS!?!?! They're not hitting at all! And it's making me so sad. I drew this picture, it's me, I'm just gonna join the Cubs and help them out. I mean, no one else on the team is hitting, so I can't be any worse. However, I always have hope in my Cubbies and they're gonna pull out of this funk.

I hope...


My friend Brian. He's one crazy kid. He gets into alot of trouble, and does alot of insane things, but for some strange reason, he's still alive!!! I hope he likes this drawing, cuz it's taken me soooooo long to draw one of him.

sharpie, colored pencils, sketchbook

Friday, May 05, 2006


This is how I feel after "cheap wing day" at Buffalo Wild Wings. Me and my friends eat there every Tuesday and usually end up eating more than we should.

I'd like to also say "CONGRATULATIONS!" to my friends Brian and Eric for successfully doing the Blazin Challenge, 12 of the hottest wings in 6 minutes, and getting their pictures put up on the wall. Way to go guys!!!

sharpie, colored pencil, sketchbook

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Allie just went to PROM! So I used pictures of her, in her prom dress as a model for my drawing. She had her hair in the usual up-doo and she wore a pink prom dress. She looked really perrrrrrrrrty. And she even looks perty "under the sea".