Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I drew this rather quickly... my friend wanted me to draw him in some kind of DragonBall pose..... (I have no idea), he showed me a video and I drew. I don't know what this DragonBall is, but I think I remember, maybe, seeing an episode, but all I remember about it was that this guy was running through the whole episode and it made completely no sense.
4H pencil, sketchbook
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Look at this big, fat, pig. I'm sure one day he was surrrrrrrre delicious!!!
This was a print making project, where you draw what you want to print with Elmer's glue on a heavy cardboard paper and let it dry. Then you roll a printers ink/paint over it and press a sheet of paper onto it, to make copies. I ,however, didn't like the copies as much as how the original turned out.
Elmer's glue, sheet of cardboard, print ink/paint
Clay Shapes

When I'm not drawing apples I'm drawing a bunch of clay shapes all piled up.
I think everyone has to draw something like this whenever they take an art class. A bunch of basic shapes to show how light effects them and how one would simulate that lighting effect while drawing.
pastel on construction paper